Most Haunted Places In Byng, Oklahoma To Visit

Following are the most haunted places in Byng, Oklahoma, where history and hauntings are entwined beneath the shadow of moss-draped oaks. These ghostly locations, steeped in voodoo, pirates, and tragedy, are said to echo with whispers from beyond, stirring in the humid night air.

Byng High School

: "There are two ghosts of Byng Auditorium. 1. A little girl who fell off the back of the 1st module (at Stage left). This ghost has been encountered by many late night drama students during long hours of rehearsal. She has been said the sing "I dropped my dolly in the dirt" but is never actually SEEN. 2. An older drama graduate who went off to become a model in 1973. "Sally," as they call her, was a perfectionist and didn''t think she would make it & committed suicide. There has been 2 witnesses of "Sally", but she is always seen backstage and only her profile is seen. Doors have locked, and on one account, a student was actually trapped within the room by this unknown force. Things have been known to move and scratches and whispers have been heard. Many of the Drama students believe that it''s "Sally" trying to make herself known once and for all."

Byng High School Auditorium

: "There are actually two ghost stories that have made their way into the Byng auditorium. One is of the little girl that fell off the back of one of the modules. The little girl is said to sing, "I dropped my dolly in the dirt" near the back of the auditorium. The other is of Sally Engels who was a senior at Byng. She was a drama queen and when she graduated, she when to be an actress. She committed suicide because she was a perfectionist and could never get her body to look like she wanted it to. Lights have been known to flash, things have been known to drop out of the ceiling, and a certain doll has been known to move throughout the auditorium. Module doors that are locked have been opened and "Sally" has made several appearances."

Byng High School

: "There are two ghosts of Byng Auditorium."