Most Haunted Places In Keene, New Hampshire To Visit

Following are the most haunted places in Keene, New Hampshire, where ancient legends and dark myths are brought to life in the shadowy corners of historic landmarks. These places hold secrets that have yet to be uncovered, with each creaking floorboard and cold breeze hinting at restless souls trapped between worlds.

Keene State College

: "Huntress Hall - Harriet Huntress is said to roam the attic and fourth floor of Huntress. In her later years she had to use a wheelchair to get around, and some say you can hear the wheels scraping against the floor. The wheelchair is still in the attic."

Woodlawn Cemetery

: "Sumner Knight Chapel - The whole area near the Knight Chapel is a major hotspot.  The chapel itself is home to a very unhappy spirit and it''s presence is almost overwhelmingly strong as you get within 15 feet of the Chapel.  Near the chapel is the spirit of a little girl who will sneak around and peer from behind trees at you and on voice recorders you can get sounds of a girl giggling. You have to go away from the Chapel to encounter her. Warning, do not curse in front of the Chapel. There is a spirit who will wash your mouth out with soap if you do. Several people have documented the taste of soap in their mouths and others can smell the soap (Similar to Ivory Bar Soap in my opinion) on the breaths of the victims."