Following are the most haunted places in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, where the echoes of tragic deaths and forgotten souls linger in the darkness. These haunted spots have witnessed centuries of sorrow, and some say the spirits of the departed are not yet ready to rest.
Belle Isle Station
: "The Belle Isle Station was demolished in 1999 to but in a shopping center there. But strange occurrences have begun there. The machinery has been acting up and moving by themselves, such as a crane, and power failures have happened. Sometimes at night you can see things in the form of a floating mist moving about. One day as I was going to Penn Square Mall, which is next to the shopping center, I felt a rush of cold air go right past me, but it was in the middle of August which would be about 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Even some of the construction workers complained about come things thinking its kids going there at night."
Buy For Less grocery store
: "The store at 36th and MacArthur is haunted in the bakery. Several years ago a baker was shot and killed there by a jealous boyfriend of a female coworker. The boyfriend mistook the baker for someone else who had been flirting with his girlfriend. At night cold breezes blow through the bakery, moving the swinging doors of the stockroom, though there is no opening or doorway to the outside. Items stored securely on the shelves tumble to the floor. The hair stands up on the back of people''s necks as they walk through at night. A stock crew foreman who worked there was a practicing Satanist. Often whenever he was there, a ghost named "Mr. Bojangles" could be seen in the back stockroom. They called him that because he wore top hat, tux, tails, and a cane like a ''20s minstrel performer."
County Line Barbeque Restaurant
: "The County Line barbeque restaurant is in a building once occupied by a Prohibition-era dance hall, gambling place and bordello. It was also a popular hangout for outlaw Pretty Boy Floyd who was originally from the Sallisaw area. Various employees have heard strange voices while working late at night, particularly up in the old bordello section, which is now used as attic storage space."
Hilton Skirven Hotel
: "April 2008 Update: Formerly listed as Skirvin Hotel - famous for its supposed entities of a former maid and her illegitimate daughter she killed herself and child by jumping out the window. Female guests have reported being unable to sleep due to the consistent cries of an infant. Many men have seen the apparition of a naked woman while showering. Several men have reported being "propositioned" by a female voice. One man even claimed he was sexually assaulted in the middle of night. - July 2005 update: This place has not been used as a hotel in 20 years, although, it is still standing."
Kitchen Lake Bridge
: "The legend of the bridge past Kitchen Lake is that a very long time ago, a witch lived in a wooden house with a stone chimney right before the intersection of 119 and Air Depot, where Air Depot ends. The house burned down mysteriously and only the fireplace and chimney are left standing. There have been several occurrences of smoke seen coming out of the chimney. If you go about 2 miles down the road, where the road ends at the bridge, there are 10 or 12 separate piles, one of old toys, one of old clothes, one ceiling tiles, one wood, one glass, and several more that you can''t see anymore because they have all been burnt to ash. There are things hanging from the trees and animals with heads missing have been seen out there as well. Witnesses report even seeing the different piles smoldering at times. Legend has it the witch died in a fire and her soul still burns anything that is near her property with a vengeance. Even the few scattered houses out there have scorch marks on the roofs. Driving out there, cars tend to not start, headlights often go off, and there is an incredibly eerie feeling surrounding the whole area as if someone is watching you. You can also hear footsteps following directly behind you if you are VERY quiet and when you turn around, there is nothing."
former theatre (Name unknown)
: "Place is said to house several spirits which have been seen by homeless teens who stay there. Now owned by Lryic Theatre"
: "The Langston''s store in the Stockyards used to be a hotel and bar/dance hall, the hotel was upstairs and the bar/dance hall was downstairs. Back in the 1800''s a girl named Patty was working in the area that is now the Women''s boots and Children''s department when her boyfriend shot her and killed her. Her sister Rose found out and hung herself upstairs in one of the hotel rooms, which now has the door to it nailed shut. Now the upstairs- which is now the internet office, alterations office and over stock room for Langston''s is haunted by Patty- who is looking for her boyfriend and her sister Rose who is looking for Patty. If you stand at the bottom of the stairs, you get a creepy feeling your stomach and the feeling that you don''t want to go upstairs. One of the girls who works there with me said once she went up there to get hangers, and the lights started flashing on and off. When she was walking to the stairs to leave, she heard someone behind her and then someone pushed her and she fell down the stairs and scraped up her back really bad."
: "Berg Anatomy - this is a classroom that''s filled with spirits of dead cats that the old witch Berg has killed for "the sake of science" many have said this place is the second home of Satan where he likes to kick it with Ms. Berg.....Some say you can still see ms berg today roaming the anatomy room...when you walk into the room you may smell something awful some say its bergs breath. but beware don''t stay too long or she will give you a failing grade for the rest of your life"
Mount Saint Mary High School
: "The sprit of a nun has been seen walking around the 4th floor.- January 2007 Correction: There was a rumor that years ago this nun hung herself It is not true. She died of old age."
Murah Building
: "This place was bombed in 1995.Parents of children that are around the age of 3-5, say that when they take their kids take their they get really spooked and start to cry and when they ask what is wrong they say that they see a dead person wondering around the place, but only the gift younger children can see it."
Young America Corporation
: "Two employees committed suicide after being terminated, and it is said that you can feel cold spells of air pass by while walking through the lunch area, and also hearing loud noises, such as gunfire, late in the evening."
: "In the behind-the-scenes area of the Aquatics building, a ghost of a woman with long hair has been seen at various times, usually at night, by several different people. No one has any idea of who she is or where she came from, much less why she is there."