Following are the most haunted places in Mackinac Island, Michigan, where ancient legends and dark myths are brought to life in the shadowy corners of historic landmarks. These places hold secrets that have yet to be uncovered, with each creaking floorboard and cold breeze hinting at restless souls trapped between worlds.
Bailey House
: "Doors open and close, objects have fallen off of counters, sounds of boxes sliding across the attic floor, figure of a woman looking into bedrooms."
Bogan Lane
: "A little girl with long hair haunts this Bed & Breakfast. You can often hear here playing the Piano. Sometimes guests can see her. She says she wants to go home."
Bois Balnc Island
: "near Mackinac, is supposed to be haunted. Two British soldiers were supposed to have gone AWOL and were slaughtered by Indians on the island. They had walked across the ice and lit a fire to warm themselves. The post commander had put a price on their heads and some natives had tracked them down and killed them."
Fort Mackinac
: "has its own ghosts. The children of the post commander are supposed to haunt the officers hill quarters. The hospitals near and in the fort are undoubtedly haunted and are surrounded by an air of sickness to this day. A skeleton was found in the "Black Hole" of the guardhouse and now people get the usual chills along their spines in the reconstructed guardhouse. There is supposedly a phantom piper that walks on the stonework above the North Sally Port. He is only sighted on misty mornings and his music can be heard faintly."
Grand Hotel
: "Uncountable skeletons were also unearthed when the foundation was laid for the Grand Hotel which now is supposed to hold many spine tingling feelings. The little horse coral behind the fort is supposedly right where the first post cemetery was. Not all of the bodies were removed when the US moved the cemetery to its present location."
Mackinac Bridge
: "Its been said to me that only sometimes when people go over the Mackinac Bridge you can here a little baby crying because the parents had gotten into a accident on the bridge and they went over the side of the bridge and they had a little baby in the car with them. - May 2008 Update ''s There have been 2 accidents that are listed on Wikipedia 1 in 1989 @ 1 in 1997. Neither accident mentioned a baby. 5 Workers dies on the bridge during its construction. < href=" ">"
Marquette Park
: "Any area of the island that had enough soil as at one time used as a cemetery. When soldiers built a garden in what is now Marquette park they unearthed over 1000 sets of remains. The entire town is haunted."
Mission House
: "When the Mission House (now state employee housing) was built it was at the heart of a Christian mission to convert Indians who lived on the island. When Indian children who were living there became sick with TB they were locked in the cool damp basement because it was thought that this would help them. It didn''t. State employees report the ghosts of children all over the basement and first two floors of the house. The attic is less haunted but people feel presences and alarm clocks get tipped over. The forms of children can be seen walking around often at night inside. Reportedly, none of the presences are not hostile."
Mission Point
: "Supposedly, a high school student named ''Harvey'' had just been dumped by his girlfriend. He was so depressed that he jumped off the bluff behind Mission Point. He became a nuisance; People who worked in the carpenter shop would clean up sawdust, and it would be scattered around the place the next morning as if it had never been touched after work. Also, things would be moved to another place, or disappear. Other sightings included soldiers being seen walking around Mission Point''s theatre and other places."
Post Cemetery
: "where an unknown woman occasionally weeps in the left rear corner near the graves of some children buried there."
The Rifle range trail
: "has the sound of bullets fired over 100 years ago and one specter. The specter once appeared to a state employee who later identified him in an old fort photo."
St. Cloud Dormitory
: "A little girl haunts the building, along with possibly an old man who (might have) killed her. SHe taps on pipes, and her presence is especially noted in room 33. People who live there and felt her touch them, and change their alarm clocks. One man had his bed sheets all fly off the bed and land in a pile in the middle of the room."
Stone Point Cottage
: "is supposed to have a ghost. If you have any info please email Haunted Places"
Straights of Mackinac
: "The apparition of Lesalles Griffon is supposed to be sighted once in a while gong through the straits of Mackinac"