Most Haunted Places In Columbus, Nebraska To Visit
Following are the most haunted places in Columbus, Nebraska, where the echoes of tragic deaths and forgotten souls linger in the darkness. These haunted spots have witnessed centuries of sorrow, and some say the spirits of the departed are not yet ready to rest.
Columbus High School
: "Rumors of a teacher once died of a heart attack around 50 years ago after school. Janitors often hear doors slamming and machinery turning on late at night as their shifts are ending."
The Glowing Graveyard
: "This graveyard is located way out north in the boonies of Columbus. Supposedly on a full moon the headstones are supposed to "glow", but most believe that this is just the cause of the limestone in the rock being reflected by the moon. Right beside the graveyard is a bridge in which according to a myth a bus full of kids rolled off the bridge and died. Supposedly if you put powder all over your car and drive over it in neutral you can see the handprints from children, or if you turn your car off in the middle of the bridge, your car won''t start again."
: "it is suspected that hyvee is haunted by a ghost named scooter. he is about 5"6'' and appears to have brown hair. he comes out around 2 and people have said to hear screeching noises in the back room close to the dairy produce section. employees have reported this to management but they have thought nothing of it up until about 2 months ago the manager had a akward encounter with this suspected ghost."
Scotus Central Catholic High School
: "This school has existed for over a hundred years and is believed to be haunted by several spirits. A nun, a small boy, and a former student are said to roam the halls of this educational institution. To add to the story, there are tunnels under the school that ghost hunters were brought in to investigate in 1980. Several presences were found. There have even been accounts of teachers quitting because of the disturbances."
Shell Creek School -2 miles east
: "first road to the west of Twister''s or around 2 miles east of Shell Creek School, When you take the road and are heading north you will go over this little hill. On top of the hill, sometimes you will see around 5-6 orange lights near the creek. They do not have the shine around them such as incandescent. We suspect it to be fires. Then you will go a little ways out and see a diesel tank to run the irrigation systems. Follow the road to the left. At this point it gets very narrow. Keep following the road. You will come across another diesel tank that says "Stay Out". If you chose to go past this, following up to the left is a large bump/rising in the road and you rise slightly in elevation. There will be many stacks of old pipes here. There will be no real good place to turn around so you might have to do some 3-point turns. Honk your horn when you think you can''t go any farther on the road. The horn should sound very distant, not like it was coming from your engine, almost as if it was coming from all around you."
Old Shockey/Penfield House
: "In the upstairs of the house, door will open when they were shut and locked, lights dim and flicker. Strange sounds--Is said to be "haunted" by the late Keith Penfield, who died there unexpectedly one morning. The basement also gives off unusual sounds, and you feel like someone''s watching you while you sleep, also if you walk around the house when it''s dark, you''ll see mysterious shadows around the house."
: "the girls bathroom by the layaway room has been haunted for about 3 years...witnesses hear the water faucet turning on to find no one there."