Most Haunted Places In Sullivan, Missouri To Visit

Following are the most haunted places in Sullivan, Missouri, where dark history and restless spirits merge in the eerie, mist-filled streets of this ancient city. From haunted castles to shadowy underground vaults, these places hold tales of mystery, death, and the unexplained—daring only the bravest souls to explore.

Gates of Hell

: "A long time a go a man owned this property, he hung people out in his feild the tale is if you park down by the gate.. turn off your car you can see people walking out in the field, a little boy lurks around the gate. and you can hear odd noises. It''s been known for your car not to start back up. It''s a very freaky place. People own the property now they have horses but if you go down there on a full moon you can''t see the horses anywhere... you can search the fields up and down and wont find any kind of sigh of a horse."

Old Pea ridge Mine

: "16 men died in the Pea Ridge Mine during it''s 40 years of operation from 1961 to 2001. Why this place closed down is still unclear. 80% of the richest Iron Are deposit in North America is still under the ground at this location. It is like everyone just left the place for no reason. Strange sounds can be heard coming out of the mineshaft late at night. What did those miners uncover digging so deep in the earth. Was it a secret passage to hell? - September 2004 update/correction. A reader did some research on the Mine in regard to why it shut down. Several newspaper clipping at the two local newspapers and other documents found on-line dealing with economics, Prices, etc., state that due to a huge decrease in Iron prices, the Mine was shut down in 2002 because of operational costs. (which took me almost two months to find out. Nothing was found about Mine on the town''s main web pages. Really makes it look like they were hiding something. But it looks like all they were hiding was a big money and job loss to the town.)"