Most Haunted Places In Yorkville, Illinois To Visit

Following are the most haunted places in Yorkville, Illinois, where history and hauntings are entwined beneath the shadow of moss-draped oaks. These ghostly locations, steeped in voodoo, pirates, and tragedy, are said to echo with whispers from beyond, stirring in the humid night air.

The Fox River Front

: "At the Fox River Front there is a dam. Many people think that since it is small they can get their canoes, boats, ext. over it. Well, you can''t. Therefore they drown. There have been several drownings there. Around 1:00 a.m., Saturday, you can see a family of 3. The father is holding a canoe paddle, the mother is crying, and the girl that is about 11 is holding a life jacket. They start walking from the dam, through the river back to the river front, before they get onto the river front, they disappear."

Yorkville Middle School

: "Back in 1978 There was a janitor who was trapped in the elevator when the power went off for the summer for a whole week of summer vacation. He was reported missing a week later he was never found until the teachers came back to get ready for the next year. He died of starvation. He has been seen roaming the halls at night."