Most Haunted Places In Lancaster, California To Visit

Following are the most haunted places in Lancaster, California, where cursed buildings and abandoned ruins hide a chilling past. These locations are known for paranormal sightings, eerie whispers, and a sense of dread that clings to those who dare venture too close after sunset.

Antelope Valley Hospital

: "Staff on 5th floor report hearing noises and seeing doors move, eerie feeling when on 4th and 5th floors."


: "You can see a little girl dressed in old fashioned cloths looking at you if you walk through the cemetery at night."

Demolished Insane Asylum

: "(I & 90th) - Concrete slabs of cells still remain. Voices can be heard late at night, along with screaming, and banging noises on metal. People have even complained of being chased."

Lancaster High School

: "In the theater the house light will randomly turn off or on well you can clearly see that no one is by light box. There are also rumors that if you sit in the seats and you have the lights off you will see a white figure walk across the stage and towards you."

The Lancaster Hotel

: "Its the oldest building in the city, and is so haunted that employees are warned that if they talk about the ghosts to anyone, they will be fired. At random times, you can hear footsteps on the wooden floors on both levels, music from an old scratchy record and you can smell vanilla and old flowers in certain areas. It''s open to the public and is across the street from the LPAC."

Lancaster Performing Arts Center (Lancaster Blvd)

: "It is said that when the theater was first being built, an elderly woman was standing on the stage during construction, and accidentally stepped back into the orchestra pit. She landed on her head, breaking her neck, dying instantly. Actors who have performed at the theater claim to have seen her ghost downstairs in the green room and stairwell. Many see a black figure, other feel a strange sensation causing them to want to get out of there immediately. No one has ever seen her upstairs, they believe it''s because there''s nowhere to fall downstairs and she feels safer there."

Shamrock Carpet Cleaners

: "Footsteps have been heard in the back of the building and a telephone and carpet rolls have moved them selves a ghost of a man has also been seen he is reportedly named George"