Most Haunted Places In Van Buren, Missouri To Visit

Following are the most haunted places in Van Buren, Missouri, where history and hauntings are entwined beneath the shadow of moss-draped oaks. These ghostly locations, steeped in voodoo, pirates, and tragedy, are said to echo with whispers from beyond, stirring in the humid night air.

M hwy

: "down M hwy where the pavement ends and gravel begins, the weird things start happening. Pictures reveal that out of the tombstones there is a white swish with a face. Coming out of the head stone. Also pictures taken down this way are indicating a lot of activity . A lot of people have died down this way. Mostly tourist who are drinking and driving and not used to the roads. Green eyes have been reported at the last house on M Hwy. Waymeyer has had a lot of sightings of figures in the woods. Where these people have died."

Riverways Nursing Home

: "Built on a battlefield graveyard, many strange things happen on 3rd shift. Nurses report feeling that they have been touched on their backs. Also on some nights several things happen at once. Such as lights blink, and the fire sprinkler by the nurses desk pours water for only a few moments. Also doors close on their own. All through the night voices are heard through the halls. Apparitions seen."