Most Haunted Places In Boise, Idaho To Visit

Following are the most haunted places in Boise, Idaho, where dark history and restless spirits merge in the eerie, mist-filled streets of this ancient city. From haunted castles to shadowy underground vaults, these places hold tales of mystery, death, and the unexplained—daring only the bravest souls to explore.

Boise State University

: "dorm room - A young girl hung herself after finding her love with someone else. She is said to still make her presence known."

Boise State University

: "The Murder House - Now a Frat House - The house, located off of Broadway and Linden had a brutal murder about 30 years ago. A man cut up a number of people and dragged their mutilated body parts around the neighboring area. Bloodstains on the walls can still be seen, and blinds on the front window will open and close randomly. Sometimes if you go at night, and the blinds are open in the front window, you can see a lady standing there, looking out the window. The house is now a Frat house for Boise State University."

Cottonwood cemetery

: "Reports of children buried in the cemetery roaming around the area. Also the ghost of a woman has been seen in the cemetery and in the school near the cemetery."

Discovery St. and Chinden

: "In the area of Joplin Cemetery on Chinden rd, and the surrounding six block radius, there has been supernatural presences seen and felt around that area. some of the specters there may even be related to me. my friend used to work in that area and has also reported odd things happening after 9 o?clock."

Dry Creek Cemetery

: "any time past 2:15am,if you walk to the edge where the canal is on the high cliff, you can hear a horse running on the canal bank but cannot see it."

Loon Creek

: "ghost of Manuel Sato haunts the hills around the creek."

Night Moves Gentlemen's Club

: "Employees and patrons of this club have reported many sightings of apparitions, cold spots, ghostly mischief such as swinging chandeliers, thrown objects, and even appearing in photographs. Managers refuse to talk about the spirits; they have been scared too many times. It is believed several spirits haunt this club, including a little girl. Supposedly the building site is a former warehouse. The club is located at 4348 W. State Street."

Old State Penitentiary

: "me and my friends go out there at night and climbed under the fence so we could explore. Witnesses have felt strong feelings of uneasiness and also felt presences. And reports in a room and there was no way any light could have come in but there were flashing lights."

The Field

: "The Field is located on Fairveiw and Milwaukee Streets. It contains unmarked graves and people have claimed to hear strange laughing here during the night. Local myth says that the skulls of people cremated, that do not burn all the way, are stored in a room with boarded up windows. Many strange things have occurred here."