Most Haunted Places In Overland Park, Kansas To Visit

Following are the most haunted places in Overland Park, Kansas, where ancient legends and dark myths are brought to life in the shadowy corners of historic landmarks. These places hold secrets that have yet to be uncovered, with each creaking floorboard and cold breeze hinting at restless souls trapped between worlds.


: "Old Stanley Hotel - Old gentlemen that resided in the hotel who suffered from schizophrenia frequently saw a woman in a white dress floating over his armoire and when he would reach out to her she would disappear. Since years have passed several unexplained incidents have occurred i.e.; The 3rd floor of the old hotel caught fire on July 4th, 1983 and during the fire some say they saw the devil in the flames. Several occasions footsteps have been heard coming from the 3rd floor and one incident a person was seen on the 3rd floor, but no one was ever found. Window shades roll up and down by themselves. The original owner of the hotel was killed in front of the house, run over by a horse and buggy. His wife, Maude, never recovered and always felt George was still with her in the hotel. The hotel is now 126 years old and still today the unexplained still occurs."

Stonewall Inn

: "The pizza parlor in the old Stonewall Inn is accepted by most as no less then haunted. The manager has reported many spooky occurrences after closing time. Every night after closing time when the manager is the only one left he locks himself in. He then sets about pushing tables to the back and stacking chairs after which he retires to his office for a smoke. More times then would probably be desired he comes back to find the tables pushed back out and the chairs untracked. Both put back in their original positions by unseen hands."