Most Haunted Places In Detroit, Michigan To Visit

Coca-cola Plant :

"a supervisor was shot by a disgruntled employee in the 50s. He is sometime seen yelling at workers and keeping the line running when the supervisors are gone."

Dept Of Transportation Main Office :

"A former employee killed himself on the 2nd floor every night around 11:00 pm ....he roams the building ...operating the elevator and walking the stairs...... When he is really restless he rides the elevator with the living stopping on the 2nd floor on every up and down trip....."

Detroit Historical Museum :

"In the lower level of the museum, there is a stain on the floor and it smells like sulfur that seems to disappear when it is touched. Not many know about this but it is true that some workers have seen an orb in the lower level by the stain."

Detroit Institute of Arts :

"There is a figure in the African Gallery called the nail figure. I work security in the museum and several officers who work the afternoon and midnight shift have reported that when the lights are out the nail figure has (an African Sculpture who is impaled with several shards of wood referred to as "nails") has been seen performing a tribal dance. In the American Gallery there have been several reports of loud crashes in a room which houses a painting called the court of death. A loud crash has been reported to be heard by several officers patrolling through this area in the dark, sounding like a painting falling (It is a very large painting). When the lights are turned on there are no painting or any artworks out of order."

The Detroit Masonic Temple :

"This huge edifice was built in 1912 especially for the Masons. The building has over 1,000 rooms, many secret passages, and secret floor compartments. The builder, a gentleman named George D. Mason, was said to have gone broke financing the building, and having lost all his money (and his wife, who left him shortly after filing bankruptcy) became despondent & jumped off the roof to his death. Night watchmen have seen his transparent form at the bottom of the stairs that lead to the roof. Also, one of the roof doors will always be open, sometimes only moments after the watchman has locked it. Many other unusual sightings have occurred there, including unnatural cold spots and shadows moving in the third floor hallway behind the Drill Hall, various footsteps, the sound of doors slamming in locked, unoccupied rooms, and feelings of being "watched" or being "unwanted". Many night watchmen have quit on the spot after having an experience with a ghost, and others refuse to even enter certain rooms."

General Motors Plant :

"a man was saved from being crushed by a ghost of man that died that way in 1944."

Henry Ford Hospital :

"Late at night you can hear shoes squeaking on the gym floor or hear a ball bouncing off the racket ball court. When obviously there is nobody in that area. It is off limits to personnel."

Henry Ford Hospital :

"Clara Ford Pavilion - formerly a live-in nursing school is quite haunted. Security and maintenance personnel have had doors locked behind them during the early morning hours. One of the first floor boardrooms has a particularly obvious cold spot and a feeling of dread, as well as the smell of decay. In 1926 a nursing student, distraught over failing grades, took her own life by jumping from the roof onto the stone walk of the courtyard below. The doorway she used to gain access to roof will reportedly not stay closed on the anniversary of the event. A nurse there comes in every morning to the basement section and always has to close the 75lbs lead door to the x-ray room, when she is positive they close this every night before the last doctor leaves."

Jefferson St. :

"before the Tunnel to Canada - A little girl was hit by a car on a rainy day where the turn for the Tunnel to Canada is. She was stuck under the car and was knocking hoping that the driver would hear her, but he didn''t. It is said that when you take that turn on a rainy day you can hear four knocks on the bottom of your car. These knocks belong to the little girl."

Majestic :

"magic stick - The Majestic is a theater on Woodward, It is where Harry Hudini did his final show, there is a basement below the theater that if you go down to is now a small room and a hallway that has been bricked up there has been several occasions people have seen someone coming from the basement--there is also an old mezzanine that is covered by a large drape you can hear applause and screaming coming from there. in the other part of the building there is a bowling ally(the garden bowl) and a pool hall/concert (magic stick) area above the bowling ally on several nights after all the patrons left several of us sat drinking in the garden bowl, you could hear a man yelling and running footsteps from the magic stick. thinking that someone had snuck in or stayed past closing, all of us split up and ran up the main and rear stairs not finding anyone this happened several times over the 3 years."

Orchestra hall :

"Ossip Gabrilowitsch, the Detroit symphony orchestra''s Second Music Director (and Son in Law of author Samuel Clemens) Walks through his old office and rehearsal spaces in Detroit''s Orchestra Hall. The hall was built as a prerequisite of Gabrilowitsch before he would lead the Detroit Symphony , and many maintenance and Security personnel still find his images walking around as if he were still the Music Director."

Our Lady Queen of Angels Parish Hall :

"Story goes, several decades ago the captain of the school''s basketball team took his cheerleader girlfriend up to one of the rooms in the back of the upstairs. He said he wanted to give her something, so she agreed to go with him. When they got up there, he pulled out a knife and stabbed her because he said he saw her cheating on him. When you go up there now, when you `pen the doors, they shut. And when they are shut, they open. You can hear the pipes clanking and sometimes you can see the figure of an older woman walk through the halls. This upstairs used to be a school, but is now used for the hall and storage."

St. Andrew Hall :

"St. Andrews is a well known concert venue. There has been several Ghosts seen walking around the basement(the Shelter) and actually chasing people up the stairs. On one occasion all the areas but the shelter was open. Doors opening and closing."

University of Detroit :

"Mercy - Marion Hall - The ghosts of nuns long dead still let there presence be known by locking doors, cold chills and uneasy feelings of being watched. - January 2007 Update: Has been torn down."

The Whitney :

"originally the home of David Whitney now a very swank restaurant. Reports of table settings moving, doors opening and closing, elevator being operated when there is no one there, cold spots and sightings of a male spirit (possibly David Whitney)"