Most Haunted Places In Southgate, Kentucky To Visit

Following are the most haunted places in Southgate, Kentucky, where cursed buildings and abandoned ruins hide a chilling past. These locations are known for paranormal sightings, eerie whispers, and a sense of dread that clings to those who dare venture too close after sunset.

The fiery house

: "This house was rebuilt about 3 times and has been left abandoned at least 4 times. Story is an old lonely grumpy mad lived and died there. About month or two later they were fixing to sell it. After they fixed it all up there was a big fire that started in the house, leaving every thing inside in ashes. And every time the rebuild it, it burns down. People gave up for a while and then tried again. So far it is doing good but u never know when the old selfish man is going to start a fire and keep the house to himself."