Most Haunted Places In Merced, California To Visit

Following are the most haunted places in Merced, California, where dark history and restless spirits merge in the eerie, mist-filled streets of this ancient city. From haunted castles to shadowy underground vaults, these places hold tales of mystery, death, and the unexplained—daring only the bravest souls to explore.

Applegate Skate Park

: "Reports of a headless skater appearing. The skater is said to have tried a trick and fallen on his head and he broke his neck"

Girl Scouts Island, Yosemite Lake

: "a lady and her daughter went out on a small boat ride while the other girl scouts were sleeping. The daughter had fallen into a whirlpool and the suction pulled the boat under leaving the mother behind. After the mother died after grieving years, it is said she goes into the girls tents now and look for her daughter and sings to the girls and strokes there hair."

The Tower Theater

: "The Tower Theater is said to be haunted by the ghost of a young women said to have killed herself by jumping off the tower peak after being notified that her fiance had been killed in the war. People have said they have seen the women in the theater asking if they have seen "Johnny"."

Yosemite Lake at the tower

: "The story is told that in the 1970s at the boat tower. A mother had taken her two kids swimming and were jumping off the tower. The kids had drowned from hitting shallow waters. The bodies were never found. Every night the mother would drive her car out there and would look for her kids. She had past away and still to this day you will see a car drive out there and see a woman in a long flowing gown with her arms out crying and calling her for her children."