Most Haunted Places In Fernandina, Florida To Visit

Following are the most haunted places in Fernandina, Florida, where the echoes of tragic deaths and forgotten souls linger in the darkness. These haunted spots have witnessed centuries of sorrow, and some say the spirits of the departed are not yet ready to rest.

Fort Clinch

: "Fort Clinch is an old Union Civil War fort that was never finished due to of lack of funding from the government. During construction, the fort was ambushed quite a few times by Confederate troops. Several of the Union men died in the process. One incident included a man who was shot after promising his wife in a letter that he would not die until seeing her again. He is said to haunt the fort today. Re-enactors that volunteer at the fort often see his ghost in the courtyard along with several of his comrades. Perhaps he is searching for his wife? Fort Clinch Experience"

Wiccademous Grave

: "The story is told that a young teenage girl was accused of practicing witch craft and was questioned, but the towns people did not believe her so she was hung on September 12th in the 1600''s....The grave is located On a narrow path right across from Fernandina Beach High School when you get on the path you walk straight to a large oak tree the ground shakes and a loud booming noise is the be heard it is the spirit of Wiccademous telling you to LEAVE her grave and let her rest in peace...Sometimes if your lucky she want even let you reach to the grave before she starts acting up if that happens you are in trouble you may have walked away with a part of her spirit with you it has been told that you will have dreams of Wiccademous for 2 nights then you will actually see her at her grave if you visit after the 2 nights. - May 2004 addition - If people want to check that out, they may want to be aware that the police do happen by there every so often. Bewarned, you may get arrested for trespassing, so you may want to try to get permission first. The supposed booming noises more than likely come from a drainage pipe that runs underneath the ground. If you tread hard enough, the sound hits the pipe and reverberates back."