Most Haunted Places In Shepherdsville, Kentucky To Visit
Following are the most haunted places in Shepherdsville, Kentucky, where the echoes of tragic deaths and forgotten souls linger in the darkness. These haunted spots have witnessed centuries of sorrow, and some say the spirits of the departed are not yet ready to rest.
Brooks Rd. Castle
: "Just off of Brooks Road, just before you cross the railroad tracks there is a turnoff to your right. Down a little further to your left is an old house(more like castle with red pointed tower-like structures). You can''t see it from the road but you can pull right up next to the old iron gates. It is said that the man who once lived there killed his wife and children. Lack of evidence though, he could not be convicted. If you pull up next the iron gates at night an scream at the gates, you can hear the wife and children screaming for help! It is better that you go alone. If you go alone it rules out all possibilities of echos."
Bullitt Central High School
: "When this small town was founded in the late 1700''s, the town built houses for the county''s and town''s officials (judges, clerks, sheriff, etc.). This was on the site of present day Bullitt Central High. Legend has it many executions took place on the site of the gym before proper law had been established. Many eye-witnesses have given reports of strange occurrences at the school late at night including but not limited to: Outside doors suddenly opening, lights turning on, footsteps, and voices throughout the large gym."
Cherry St.
: "ghostly figures walking threw the forest at midnight across the mud path: legends say people were murdered in the forest and if you listen closely you can here people screaming for help!"
Old Shepherdsville Cemetery by the River
: "There have been actual sightings of Ghostly figures in old doctor uniforms walking around during full moons and otherwise creepy nights."