Most Haunted Places In Fresno, California To Visit
Following are the most haunted places in Fresno, California, where cursed buildings and abandoned ruins hide a chilling past. These locations are known for paranormal sightings, eerie whispers, and a sense of dread that clings to those who dare venture too close after sunset.
Adorable Poodle Salon
: "This shop had a lot of poltergeist activity when she was there. Large heavy plants that needed two people to move would be moved when the owner arrived in the morning, when no one but her had access to the shop. She hired a young woman to wash dogs for her and the "entity" really took a liking to her. One day my mother was taking a break when she noticed this girl working on a dog and periodically brushing her hand away from her neck as if shooing away a pesty fly. The owner watched for a while as she continued to do this, not seeing anything there, when suddenly, quite annoyed, this girl said, "would you please knock it off?!" The owner asked her what was wrong and she replied, "Your damn ghost won''t stop kissing me on the neck!" It stopped kissing her after that. The owner reported cold spots, lights on and off, doors opening and closing by themselves and a general feeling of being watched when alone in the building."
Muex Home
: "This museum is claimed to be haunted by several spirits. It is believed that most of the haunting is done by the Meux family. There are others whom state different."
Pindale Ave
: "This street is haunted by the SANDLADY of Pindale who has been seen at night and believe to for no apparent reason throw sand in the eyes of people walking by. When they clear their eyes they see that she has vanished. The spirit is believed to look like an old Spanish lady carrying a small tote bag."
: "There is a haunted (seasonal) fire station in the town. The station was closed and lights came on inside. A door that would constantly come open."
San Juaquin River
: "This ghost pretty much have been sighted along the whole river but mostly the highway 99 overpass by Herndon. A lady and her 2 kids were swimming in the river back in the 1950''s when her kids were kidnapped. Not too long after she died of allegedly died of sadness. Now her brightly white colored spirit can be seen walking on top of the water in the river calling for her children. Some say she has the voice of the wind and the Mexican American community named her the IBRONA."
St. John Hall
: "The basement is haunted By A Nun, who appears a numerous of times."
the Vendo Company
: "this is a building that has existed for at least one hundred years. Before it was Vendo it was Pinedale military base and before that it was a lumberyard and in the beginning it was Japanese concentration camp. In the mezzanine you get the feeling of someone putting their hands on you grabbing you ankles, near the cooling tower a Japanese woman with half of her face rotted off has been seen sitting on a green bench that is by a plant entrance, the main building is where they were held and tortured. In what now is receiving is were they were processed and killed there are many body''s buried in the ground that were never removed. Sounds of choking whispering calling out for help. there is a bathroom up stairs that a Vendo employee hung himself in 7 years ago is still there as a ghost till this day no one will use the restroom."
Roosevelt High School
: "This school has 2 ghost, one boy committed suicide in the boys restroom in the east hall. Then a boy felt to his death in the auditorium while doing a presentation. These two boys haunt the school."
Tyler Street House
: "This modest home has been the seen of terrifying poltergeist activity since the mid 80''s and continues to this day. This house has had over 22 different occupants since the phenomenon started. Some have reported seeing red eyes peer out through closets and darkened bedrooms. Objects fly off countertops and there has been a bludgeoned body of a cat has been found time after time in the upstairs closet found by each resident that has lived here even if they do not own a cat or any animals."