Most Haunted Places In Hermiston, Oregon To Visit
Following are the most haunted places in Hermiston, Oregon, where the echoes of tragic deaths and forgotten souls linger in the darkness. These haunted spots have witnessed centuries of sorrow, and some say the spirits of the departed are not yet ready to rest.
The Dollar Tree Stare
: "there a few different ghost the plays with the toys and talk. A worker took her digital camera and took some pictures and they claim it showed faces of like five different ghosts."
Wal-Mart DC
: "During the construction of the warehouse it was said that illegal immigrants were a means of cheap labor to do clean up at night. One night there was an accident and when the winds picked up and knocked one of the steel piling down it fell on top of one of the workers. To avoid the police and being deported, the other workers quickly dug a hole and buried him in the concrete floor. Late at night walking down the modules freight will fall out at you. You can stop and look around but nobody will be there."