Most Haunted Places In Waxahachie, Texas To Visit

Following are the most haunted places in Waxahachie, Texas, where cursed buildings and abandoned ruins hide a chilling past. These locations are known for paranormal sightings, eerie whispers, and a sense of dread that clings to those who dare venture too close after sunset.

Catfish Plantation Restaurant -Update: recently burned down 6/29/03

: "This Restaurant is haunted by past residents named Eliza Richards, who died at age 77 in 1925, and her son Jesse Thomas Richards, who died at age 68 in 1937. Eliza is the "Elizabeth" Her spirit appears as her younger self, a girl of about 19, the age she was at her first marriage, a happier time for her. It is how she projects herself now, from memory. The "old farmer, Will" is her son J.T. Richards, who was the local meat cutter and grocer from the early 1900s until his death in 1937. The third ghost, Carrie, has been correctly identified. Caroline Jenkins Mooney lived in the house from the 1950s until her death in 1970. Waitresses and customers are always reporting strange things that happen--rude patrons having plates dumped on them, cold spots in the bathroom. Pictures have been taken that show a slender young woman in outline form. One is a farmer, one is an old woman who lived there, and one is a young girl who was murdered on her wedding day in the house. Supposedly a burglar attempted to burglarize the safe one night and seemed to leave in a hurry. - September 2004 update: The Catfish Plantation, which was partially burned in 2003, is now back up and open for business. The owners say that the three ghosts (Elizabeth, Will, and Caroline) are still present."

Waters St.

: "A little boy is said to be haunting the streets late at night in his bike. The story goes as is. One day late at night, he was riding his bike, when a car of drunk teenagers shot him for no reason. It is said that he still rides his bike late at night, and if you approach him he takes out his revenge on you."