Most Haunted Places In Painesville, Ohio To Visit
Following are the most haunted places in Painesville, Ohio, where dark history and restless spirits merge in the eerie, mist-filled streets of this ancient city. From haunted castles to shadowy underground vaults, these places hold tales of mystery, death, and the unexplained—daring only the bravest souls to explore.
Lake Erie College
: "College Hall - There''s a ghost named Stephanie who haunts mostly the 4th floor, which is closed off now, but they say she can get downstairs through a mirror in the social parlor. She roams everywhere and many people have seen her. She is said to be a student from the 1800''s when it used to be an all girl college and later she killed herself in the belfry. She is very nice though. Non- threatening."
Lake Erie College
: "Fine Art Center - Green Room - where the girls have encounters while in the room alone. Cold spots, a figure appearing in the mirror, the door opening and closing when everyone else was on stage. And papers move on their own with no breeze."
Lake Erie College
: "Morley Music Hall - It is said that Mrs. Morley and maybe even Mr. Morley still visit. Sometimes even Stephanie. Mostly Mrs. Morley. One time she yelled at the security guard to get out really loud. Others have heard footsteps and even a piano playing downstairs, but when they go investigate no one is there. Others have felt hot or chilling drafts or spots."
Riders Inn
: "The story about Riders Inn is that there is a ghost from the civil war. People have said that they have seen him, standing by the windows waving. - July 2004 update/additional info: The owners report a former Innkeepers wife, Suzanne, haunts the inn. That once they went out to a ball game all day and late into the night and totally forgot that they had a honeymooning couple coming that night! They didnt remember until the couple showed up for Breakfast! The couple said that they arrived the night before and found the inn locked and dark. They banged on the door and a woman in a nightgown came to the door and opened it, putting her finger to her lips as in "SShhhh" and only pointed upstairs! They knew which room they had reserved and went to bed kind of ticked!! There was no one in the inn that night when the couple arrived! The currant innkeeper is very nice and will be happy to give tours andthey even have a ghost cam on a local news site!"
Rite Aid Pharmacy
: "An old theater used to occupy this site and was torn down so they could build an office building with the pharmacy on the ground floor."