Most Haunted Places In Spartanburg, South Carolina To Visit

Following are the most haunted places in Spartanburg, South Carolina, where ancient legends and dark myths are brought to life in the shadowy corners of historic landmarks. These places hold secrets that have yet to be uncovered, with each creaking floorboard and cold breeze hinting at restless souls trapped between worlds.

Broome high school

: "Many teachers at Broome high school have told the story of a construction worker that helped build the school and had to bring his daughter to work with him one day. They were on the newly finished roof and the girl wasn''t paying any attention as to where she was going and walk off thee roof and was killed. If you are up at the school at night really late you can hear the cries of a girl screaming for her father. Many teachers have experienced this. No students, yet."

Converse College

: "Hazel B. Abbott theatre - resides the ghost of Miss Hazel.  She is not too friendly.  You definitely feel a cold presence, and if you sit in her seat, you will be haunted for a while. People have heard strange noises in the prop room, etc."

Converse College

: "Pell Hall - There are several occurrences on campus.  There was one student who lived in Pell Hall in the early 1900''s.  She was going to sneak out of a window to meet her fiancee and go elope.  He swore that if she jumped, he would catch her.  He didn''t catch her and now you can see a woman in a white dress running down the hallway to meet her lover. Also, there was a girl in the 1950''s named Betty Payne.  She hanged herself off the door in her room.  The door has been repainted and replaced numerous times and no matter what, you can still see the outline of the rope, noose, and the outline of her body.  She is a fairly hostile ghost.  She has locked people in her room before."

Converse College

: "Williams dorm - there is a ghost in the laundry room of a little boy who used to live here when converse was a boarding school campus.  He is very friendly."

Converse College

: "Wilson Hall - there is a stairway to the bell tower.  Legend has it that two men were arguing up there and one was pushed off.  This is a ANGRY ghost.  The door to the bell tower is locked.  The ghost is said to have red eyes.  I personally have not seen it, but one of my classmates did."

Evans Building

: "The Evans Building was originally a black high school, and later was turned into an office building. There is still a basketball court there, where from the upper balcony you can hear the squeaks of tennis shoes and the sound of dribbling late at night. Footsteps have also been heard in the hallways."

Foster's Tavern

: "Sounds of horse hooves on the roof, voices and footsteps on the stairs have been heard."

Hell's Gates

: "Hells Gate is an older cemetery located in the heart of Spartanburg, South Carolina. Strange things like having a cell phone give a busy signal, when it was later confirmed that the line that was called was NOT busy. As well, we have seen many odd and unexplained lights within the woods of the graveyard. Trying to take pictures and the flash wouldn''t work. Apparitions of children and a whitish mist."

South Carolina School for the Deaf and Blind

: "Haunted by the ghost of Martha Walker. Walker was the tough, stoic woman who took over running the school for a few years during the Civil War. Her ghost is said to still roam the halls of the school''s historic main building checking rooms to make sure the students are o.k. Students, Faculty, Alumni and even the schools current female President all say they have experienced Martha''s presence."

the Tanning Yards

: "Reports that a mischievous ghost is supposed to be out there."

Spartanburg Methodist College

: "Willard Dormitory - Supposedly a student jumped out a window in Willard Dormitory and died on. Many people say that they see him walking the halls very late at night and he has also been seen standing at the window he jumped out of."

TB Hospital

: "Recently Torn Down - Originally a sanitarium for people stricken with the disease. Hundreds, maybe thousands of people died within its walls. Strange occurrences have been reported."