Most Haunted Places In Bloomington, Illinois To Visit
Following are the most haunted places in Bloomington, Illinois, where ancient legends and dark myths are brought to life in the shadowy corners of historic landmarks. These places hold secrets that have yet to be uncovered, with each creaking floorboard and cold breeze hinting at restless souls trapped between worlds.
Blooming Grove Academy
: "Old Junior High School - Some sort of haunt on the 3rd floor that likes to rattle doors and play music loudly. Can be heard only at night. Upon further inspection of the room that the music has been heard in nothing was found to show that there was anyone in there. Could possibly be the spirit of a basketball player who choked on his own vomit trying not to be embarrassed."
Illinois Weslyan University
: "International House - The International House is a huge mansion-sized house on the Illinois Weslyan Campus in Bloomington, IL. Since it''s first days as a private residence it has since been converted into co-ed dormitories. There was an old elevator that used to be in service in the house and has since been sealed up. Apparently there was a young man who was stuck in the elevator and died when it fell. People still claim to hear the squeals of the elevator gears as it falls. There is also rumored to be the spirit of a young girl who walks around the 3rd floor. She was supposed to be the niece of the President of the University. She died in the house and still wanders the halls. The boys who live on the top floor can sometimes hear the laugh of the little girl."
Old Federal Prison on Market
: "stories of young boy looking out the attic window. Boy said to be hatchet to death."
Electrolux/ Eureka
: "formerly known as The old Mennonite hospital - There is this one room on the 3rd floor at the end of the hallway where a lady passed away a very painful death from cancer. After she passed the call light would always go on and off, there would be the smell of death in the room, that no matter how hard they tried it couldn''t be removed. There were always strange noises coming out of the room. That room was never used again. - June 2008 Update: A worker reports they have been upstairs hundreds of time, a lot of the time, with very low lighting. They use it now as the main storage area. They call it "Dead Storage" nothing seen, heard or smelled anything out of the ordinary while being in there. No photos taken came up with anomalies. There are writings all over the walls from past patients when it was the hospital. They used this wing for the people who suffered mentally from a variety of different things. When Eureka took it over about 7 - 8 years ago, some of the employees had relatives that had been patients, so they opted not to re-wallpaper or paint the walls. The writings and pictures up there are a bit weird, but that is about it."