Most Haunted Places In Santa Fe, New Mexico To Visit

Following are the most haunted places in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where history and hauntings are entwined beneath the shadow of moss-draped oaks. These ghostly locations, steeped in voodoo, pirates, and tragedy, are said to echo with whispers from beyond, stirring in the humid night air.

The College of Santa Fe

: "One ghost in particular paces in the shadows late at night. Another prominent ghost on campus is that of a decapitated nurse during WWII. The campus was an insane asylum during this time, and a post-war inmate snapped and cut off a nurse''s head. She has been seen walking in the hallways, which now lead to the cafeteria. Ask the students, they can tell you, and the whole college is haunted."

Grant Corner Inn

: "Rooms 4 and 8 and the hallway on the second floor are the primary haunting sites in this three- story house built in 1905. Objects falling on the floor, footsteps, and slamming doors are among the usual fare. There is also a grayish figure that appears in the hallway."

The Heritage Home

: "an old turn-of-the-century site where criminals were hung from the large cottonwood in front of the building. The tree''s limbs have long since been cut down, however the shadows of the limbs are still casting on moonlit nights."

La Fonda Hotel

: "The present dining room in this lovely old hotel is situated exactly over an old well, in which a man leapt to his death over 100 years ago. He had lost his company''s money gambling. Guests in the dining room sometimes report seeing a man walk to the center of the room and then jump as if into an invisible hole and simply disappear."

La Posada Hotel

: "the ghost of Julie Stabb is seen on the 2nd floor."

The Old Hospital Building downtown

: "Located downtown, the hospital was originally established as a sanitarium for victims of tuberculosis. It was the main hospital until the early 1980s when a new building was built. Until recently, it served as a nursing home. On the 4th floor, which originally served as the maternity ward, sounds of crying babies floated through the halls. There are reports of a child running through the halls as well."

Santa Fe Indian school

: "The dorms are known to be haunted.. at night you can see people being hung in the shadows, and hear screaming"