Most Haunted Places In Munford, Alabama To Visit

Following are the most haunted places in Munford, Alabama, where the echoes of tragic deaths and forgotten souls linger in the darkness. These haunted spots have witnessed centuries of sorrow, and some say the spirits of the departed are not yet ready to rest.

Bethlehem Methodist Church

: "It''s said that if you drive by the cemetery late at night, you''ll see a yellow orb of light floating in the cemetery and across McElderry Road. Also, drive around the church three times, park in front facing the church, turn off your lights and the window blinds will rise up by themselves."


: "The Hotel - In the 1800''s, a hotel was built on the mountain during the war. The Yankees used the motel to hold rebel soldiers. The hotel was only used for a few weeks before the war was over. All the prisoners were killed and half the hotel burned down. If you go down the road at night, you can see an orange glow and hear the screams of soldiers. But if you stop to get a better look, all you''ll find is half of an old hotel."


: "Gravity Hill - Gravity Hill is on Cheaha Road. When you go there, put your car in neutral and sit there and your car will be pulled. Loud screams of a woman who was murdered there can be heard."

Cemetery Mt.

: "Cemetery Mt. has a lot of stories. It gets its name from all the cemeteries that are on it. Some of them date back to the late 1890''s and early 1900''s. An old man lived alone with is dog on Cemetery Mt., and during hunting season, he took the dog out with him. It is said that other hunters thought the dog was a deer, and killed the dog. The old man never found his dog. It''s also said that the old man died soon after. Some time later, some hunters heard a shot, and came upon a black lab dog that was still alive. They stood up, looked around and saw this old man. The old man asked them if they had seen his dog. The hunters said yes and turned to point, but the dog was gone. They turned back around and the old man was gone too! Other happenings are, red eyes can be seen about one foot off of the ground. People think they are imps or goblins. Also, there is an old church in the woods w ith a book on the podium. You can pick it up, but it starts to get heavier as you try to walk out the door with it. Before you get to the door, the book gets so heavy, you can''t carry it out. The book is rumored to be a copy of the devil''s bible. Satanic rituals are rumored to have been held there."

Hill Elementary School

: "The former principal and founder of the school, Ophilia S. Hill, haunts the school. She died outside the school by being struck by lightning. Some think she stays there to guard the school from any harm."

The Foundry

: "Haunted by the ghosts of children who were killed on the land in which it was built."