Most Haunted Places In Columbia, South Carolina To Visit

Following are the most haunted places in Columbia, South Carolina, where history and hauntings are entwined beneath the shadow of moss-draped oaks. These ghostly locations, steeped in voodoo, pirates, and tragedy, are said to echo with whispers from beyond, stirring in the humid night air.

The Congaree River Bridge

: "Haunted by a young girl who hitchhikes and asks her benefactor who picks her up to take her to her home and disappears in the car on the way there."

Fort Jackson

: "Artillery range - a female soldier with a hole in her helmet has been seen at the range. Apparently she killed herself in one of the Latrines."

Fort Jackson -The B Company 369th AG Barracks

: "You can late at night see a black shadowy mist of a man (mostly on the 2nd floor) walking to each room like he was checking on his soldiers then go in the bathroom and close the door.  Eerie feeling in the day room with the big screen TV.  Feel like you are being watched n the room."

Longstreet Theatre

: "The haunting of Longstreet Theatre relates directly to it''s history of being used as a military hospital during the Civil War. It has long been rumored the morgue was housed in the basement of this building in a room that now serves as the "Green Room" for the theatre. The "Green Room" actually is three barrel-vaulted alcoves made out of brick. Many stories have circulated among the student population of sightings and strange noises, especially late at night. So convinced are some theatre students, that many refuse to be in the building after dark alone and institute a "buddy system." One student relates a story about being in the theatre late at night for a dress rehearsal and going down to the basement to buy a soda from the vending machine located directly opposite the "Green Room." As the student stood facing the machine, a sudden wave of fear overcame her and she looked over her shoulder towards the Green Room. As she did so, the temperature dropped suddenly and she felt a wall cold air hit her even though there are no windows and the entrance doors to the basement remained closed. The student left in a hurry and later described the feeling as being watched by a negative energy."

Old Bluff Road

: "A number of phantoms/Ghost. A carriage that races a car, A bridge where your car will stall out, and many more."

Olympia Road

: "the abandoned mill - near the fairgrounds - Several years ago when children were forced to work, there was a mill that a deranged man owned. Many children died of exhaustion, and the owner put their bodies in the furnace. It is a high spiritual place, and there have been many odd happenings here, including the furnace mysteriously turning on and the sound of children crying. There is a story on this website in the hauntings section. - April 2008 Correction: Whoever submitted that to you merely used the plot from the movie "The Haunting". It has since been turned into Apratments."

University of South Carolina

: "In the catacombs, there is supposed to be a ''Third Eye Man'', a ghost with what looks like a third eye in the middle of his forehead. The sightings started in the eighties.- December Update: A visitor read the description of the Third Eye Man, the stories actually go back much farther than the ''80''s, the earliest story they have found is from about 1946. In the archives they found an article written by a student about being accosted in the catacombs by a man who was taller than natural and appeared to be disfigured. Students used to hang out in the catacombs, but they were sealed after several sightings and a student was actually injured."