Most Haunted Places In Big Spring, Texas To Visit

Following are the most haunted places in Big Spring, Texas, where the echoes of tragic deaths and forgotten souls linger in the darkness. These haunted spots have witnessed centuries of sorrow, and some say the spirits of the departed are not yet ready to rest.

Center Point Road

: "Center Point Road is a road a little past the outskirt''s of town. On foggy nights you can see a truck, but after a little while, it disappears. You can see it''s headlights and it even looks solid. Also, you can feel like there''s something in the backseat, staring at the back of your head. There''s a bunch of old, abandoned houses dotting the sides of the road. Some of those could be haunted."

Big Spring High School

: "A ghost named Harold reportedly haunts the auditorium. It is said that he fell from the catwalk while hanging up the lights. There is even a strange footprint on the ceiling. When people paint over the footprint, it reappears. Witnesses have also claimed to see him walking around backstage with a flashlight."

Flight Line Prison

: "Shut down many years ago. Occurrences started happening before the prison was even completely finished. Some building materials were stolen from the site so a guard had to be posted there. During the first night our control center got a frantic call from our guard asking for back up because he knew some one was out there he could hear them but he couldn''t find them. Upon response loud music could be heard in the mess hall, but as soon as they would open the door the music would stop. The entire facility was searched and no trace could be found of anyone. Guards were doubled up due to the fact that no one would go out there alone. Strange noises, lights, and whispering reoccurred every night. The prison was completed and staffed. A fire safety inspection, area shakedowns and an outer perimeter fence check is conducted every night. While doing these checks guards have reported seeing an old woman in the education wing that will walk the halls at night and give you a quick glance and disappear only she leaves behind a white powder everywhere she has been spotted. A mischievous entity that haunts the mess hall that will clank and rattle the pots and pans as well as move things to and fro. A shadowy figure that walks the living quarter wings. And a small child who loves to scare the life out of anyone who so happens to be in the perimeter truck at that time. It has appeared on several occasions in the back of the truck looking in at you through the back window, or in front of the truck as you drive around, and has even decided to wake up several guards who dozed off by tapping them on the arm. It has caused several wrecks from trying to swerve to miss him, rounds being chambered into their firearms, and on a couple of occasions guards to quit on the spot."

Runnells Junior High School

: "You can see what appears to be a little girl walking the halls through the windows. Also the lights will come on and off by themselves."