Following are the most haunted places in Oxford, Ohio, where the echoes of tragic deaths and forgotten souls linger in the darkness. These haunted spots have witnessed centuries of sorrow, and some say the spirits of the departed are not yet ready to rest.
Hopewell cemetery
: "the light- Near oxford their is a place called hueston woods, go through it until you find the Hopewell cemetery. It is one of the best ghost hunting sites in southern Ohio. And I saw the light in oxford also mentioned on here, if you want to be safe don''t go to it. It has caused me very bad luck every time I go near it. But up the street from it their is a barn you can''t miss it, go their and search around, when you get back to your car their will be a little surprise. I went once and haven''t ever been back the surprise caused us to wreck the car we were in trying to get away."
Heuston Woods
: "The Adina Indian Mound - This is very easy to get to all you need is a flash light because it does require a bit of walking. This Medina Indian mound is dated back to sometime in the BC''s there is a little plaque before you get to it that tells you the dates so you can find that out if you go check it. you might feel this strong sensation of being held back. Witnesses claim to have taken pictures from the top and had strange glowing figures, and ectomist. Go to the Heuston woods campground. You don''t have to pay just go straight thru. its at the end of row b just park on the road. you have to walk through a big field but if you just go straight you''ll run smack into it. The Adena Indians were "Mound Builders" of prehistoric time date estimating from approximately 1000 B.C.-700 A.D. along with the Hopewell Indians whose appearance is estimated at approximately 400 B.C. The name came from Adena, the Chillicothe, Ohio estate of Thomas Worthington, governor of Ohio from 1814-1818. (The Mound Builders by Robert Silverberg, Ohio University Press, Athens)"
Miami University
: "Peabody Hall - This hall has been known to have many sightings along with the sighting of a Ms. Helen Peabody. There have been sightings mainly in just individual rooms in the dorm. There has been documentation of a girl hanging herself in room 210, and then another person hanging themselves in that same room years later. In other rooms, there have been times where the window shades of only a couple of rooms would flap frantically, but there''s now evidence of any wind and no person standing by the windows."
Miami University
: "Reid Hall - is haunted due to a murder that occurred many years ago. There was shooting spree after a boy thought his girlfriend was cheating on him and the bloody handprints on the door in the second floor will not go away. - June 2008 Update: Reid Hall was torn down in the summer of 2006 to make room for the new business school, but the door with the bloody handprint is currently housed in the University Archives."
Miami University
: "Wilson Hall - Doors unlock by themselves. Alarm clocks go off at wrong times. Chairs move around by themselves and other paranormal experiences.There is a tunnel that is caved in. Students say that they can still feel a presence, and many have seen an apparition roaming the halls. The tunnel entry is still in the basement, and you can see where it has caved in."
Miami University, Oxford College
: "Reports of a girl dressed in a long black dress by the dish line. The girl looked really sad and was dressed like someone from the early 1900''s. Others had sightings of different things but the girl seems to be the main one. One of the Residence Hall Advisors saw the girl my mother described. An electrician quit when he was working upstairs at Oxford College. He wouldn''t say what he saw just that he had seen something and that he wasn''t ever going to risk going back into that building."
Milford Road
: "The way to get there is to keep going out Oxford road which takes you past Wehr road (but that is another story) and keep driving till you get closer to the campus off to the right is Oxford Milford road. Drive all the way down the road until the end take the curve and pull into the first yard on the right, turn around and pull back onto the main road. Flash your bright lights 3 times, first you should see small flashing red lights, then see the motorcycle headlight coming down the road. The story is there was a guy and a girl whose love was forbidden so they would sneak out to see each other, the girl would take her fathers car and pull out to the end of the road and flash her lights 3 times to signal to her boyfriend to come see her, well one night she signaled him and he began down the road to see her, supposedly a young boy was riding! his bicycle in the road, the guy on the motorcycle didn''t see him until it was too late wrecked into him and they both died, (the red lights are the reflectors off the bicycle) when the girl saw this she hung herself from the barn in her yard (which is the same yard you turn around in) the barn is still there but only remains."
Oxford state road
: "If you are parked at the top of the hill and flash your lights three times you will see a motorcycle come toward you. Legend has it a guy and a girl were not allowed to see each other so the girl would sneak out at night and flash a light three times. To the her boyfriend waiting at the top of the road. But one night she flashed the lights and he started toward her house, but wrecked on the way and died. So now when you flash you lights he thinks that it is his girlfriend and he starts to come down the road."
Wal-Mart Store
: "reports from Wal-Mart employees that their keys disappear to reappear again later in the same spot. Electric doors stick and won''t shut. Computer''s have weird drawings on the screen in the morning like a child has been drawing. - January 2007 Update: The store is now all closed up, due to a brand new Wal-Mart super center being built down the road."
(Miami University)
: "on an old country road just outside of the university the lights of a ghost can be summoned by flashing your car lights 3 times. Forbidden lovers once used this sign when they would meet at night. But one night the guy coming on his motorcycle died. You can see red lights, a concentrated white light (like the light of a motorcycle), and then many lights (like an ambulance."