Following are the most haunted places in San Diego, California, where cursed buildings and abandoned ruins hide a chilling past. These locations are known for paranormal sightings, eerie whispers, and a sense of dread that clings to those who dare venture too close after sunset.
: "Bonita rd - Reports of an older man appears in the backseat of the witnesses'' cars. He is said to be the ghost of a man that was run over here."
Bonita Vista High School
: "In the boys locker room, showers sometimes turn off and on by themselves. The boy''s bathroom in the gym''s front room has been reported to have loud whispering coming from it when no one is inside, and a malevolent force is often felt in the bathroom. In the gym, cold spots are often felt on the bleachers, and at times you can feel a hand grab your ankle or shoulder, even if you are alone."
Brooklyn Elementary School
: "Janitors claim to see children running throw the hallways at night. and When the Janitors try to go home after there shift is over the doors wont open they say it feels like someone is on the other side pushing the door. They also say there''s cold spats and hear children crying"
Chula Vista
: "Procter Valley - park in dirt parking next to fence you''ll see a lady in white floating across the field and glowing you''ll often here somebody throwing rocks at you too."
: "Solar Turbines - Harbor Drive near San Diego Airport and Kearny Mesa on Ruffin Rd: Global power company built in the 1880''s. Apparitions have been seen in the engineering factory areas. These apparitions are said to be devoted workers who have long since passed on but will never "retire." Office areas have been reported to have unintelligible whispers, elevators moving with no one pushing a call button, sounds of doors opening/closing, etc. NOTE: This is a secure industrial facility. Access is restricted."
El Cajon
: "One of the Mobil home spaces - In one of the spaces There is said to be an old man that appears occasionally in the house where 2 old people live; a women and a man. Once when the man who lived there was saying a prayer the ghost would get really mad and start throwing stuff off the shelf. Then when the man was out of the house the woman thought that he was back and she heard the doorknob starting to twist but not open so she went to look and no one was there. Another time was when the man was fixing up his car he saw the ghost and said hi because he thought that it was a person who lived in there park. He put his screwdriver down looked back at it and it wasn''t there he looked down the street and up the street and the ghost was nowhere in sight. Still to this day they see the ghost he is very pale and you can only see his upper body."
El Cajon
: "Rios Canyon - The ghosts of two cowboys can be seen at the back end of the canyon on the old dirt road. Some say "they''re looking for the lost gold"."
El Fandango Restaurant
: "a woman in white appears at a dark table in the corner."
Horton Grand Hotel
: "Located in downtown San Diego has 1 or more haunted rooms. Temperature changes and sightings"
The Hotel Del Coronado
: "Kate Morgan reportedly killed herself. Her body was found on the steps leading to the beach. It was also thought it may have been murder. She is seen not only in her room, (which is now room 3312) but other areas of the hotel and grounds as well."
Lake Morena Campground
: "Across from one of the campsites, in a wooded area, there appears the ghost of a young woman in a long white dress. There is a cold and eerie presence near the boulders that lie beneath the trees, and her apparition has been seen on two occasions by two different men. The first sighting occurred on a warm July night around 9:00 p.m. A group was setting up camp when one of the men ventured over to the dark area and found the young lady looking at him. He was startled and turned away. When he turned back, she had vanished but he could still feel her presence. The second sighting occurred around 3:00 a.m., a couple of days later. Another man from the same group of campers got out of his tent after being awakened from a deep sleep by an unknown presence. He looked over his tent and saw the lady pacing. She stopped, looked right at his face, then continued to pace as if she were waiting for someone. The man went to wake up his friends, but by the time he woke anyone she had vanished. Not being able to sleep after the sighting, he decided to stay awake with another camper and start a campfire. In the distance, they could hear the voice of a woman laughing and singing. There seemed to be no explanation for it at that time of the morning. On other occasions the same campers have heard heavy footsteps around their tents during the night that do not fade as if someone were walking away, but simply lift and disappear. In a photo taken of one of the campers in this area, there appears a large orb floating right next to him."
McDonalds on Miramar Rd.
: "Strange things would happen during the dead of night while McDonald workers would be closing and preparing for the next day. Tubs of Mustard, straws, etc. would be thrown across and scattered the next morning. In one of the bathroom stalls, there would be a picture of the devil create from the wood grains of the stall door. The door has been replaced due to too many visitors wanting to see the "face"."
Mission Valley
: "Taco Bell - employees have reported whispers coming from the bathroom. Trash doors swinging one time at closing there was three closers one manager and two crew one of the crew members was washing dishes he seen some one who he thought was a employee walk behind him and go in the walk-in freezer" so the employee thought he would play a joke on the employee as he held the door tightly the door was moving like there was some one in there when three minutes went by then the employee let go of the door. he went to go see if the manager was coming but he was shocked to see both the manager and the employee was working he was really scared he had goose bumps."
Montgomery High School
: "Floating lights can be seen late at night in the football stadium .Witnesses have heard screaming and then saw balls of floating lights came towards them. chasing them until they got to the front of school near the main office. Reports of voices in the bathrooms as well."
Muirlans Middle School
: "The school was built in the early 50''s. There was a girl that once went to the school in the 60''s who died by bumping her head during a PE class. Ever since people have said of strange noises from behind them only to see that no one is there."
NAS Miramar
: "Hangar 1 is haunted by the crew of a F-8 Crusader that crashed there in the late 60''s."
Nijiya Market
: "In this small Japanese grocery store an elderly customer suffered a heart attack and died in the store. Sometimes objects fall from the shelves on their own and with no explanation; one manager while there in the middle of the night heard strange noises and his name whispered several times."
El Campo Santo Cemetery
: "Formerly posted as "Old Town Cemetery" - This was partially paved over with a road. It is said ghosts appear to be crossing that section of the road at night. - February 2004 Correction: The proper name of the "Old Town Cemetery" in San Diego is "El Campo Santo Cemetery." Among the numerous other spirits sighted at the location (including the paved portions under the adjacent sidewalk and streets), psychics claim that the site is to this day overseen by the spirit of the gravedigger whose own grave is near the cemetery''s SE corner."
Point Loma National Cemetery
: "just north of the city of San Diego is a Normandy-sized cemetery that was a favorite place for marines awaiting to leave for westpac ground forces. The marines used to go there on short liberties to lay amongst the grave stones, smoke and get drunk and near midnight witness souls rising from their graves to walk near the one thousand foot cliffs and look out over into the pacific ocean to see if their country was secure and then they would return to their graves. Not to many young marines wanted to talk about this experience back at the old main side of camp Pendleton as the cemetery is the location of thousands of buried marines from the first and fifth marine divisions killed in action during world war two."
Presidio Park
: "A little white dear can be seen running around but then it vanishes when it is spotted."
Ramona High School
: "Students in the band room have reported instruments in cases being ejected out of lockers (locked with combination locks) And their cases being flung open during private tutoring sessions"
San Marcos/Elfin Forest 's Questhaven Asylum
: "Reports of orbs and an apparition of a man with a missing arm standing behind the gates. IF you want to see the video go to and search Questhaven."
Screaming Tree
: "In the suburb of Lakeside, at the end of Willow Road, there is a narrow dirt road, down this road some distance (and after passing a slaughterhouse of some sort) there is a clearing with a tree, supposedly if one blasts one''s car horn three times a ghost of a girl will start screaming. Mostly this area is a hangout for dubious characters so it may not be a good idea to go alone."
The Whaley House
: "haunted by Thomas Whaley & it is believed there are others. This house was once the city''s courtroom. The haunting extens beyond Thomas Whaley and to a man hanged just outside the house. He was hung for stealing a boat. One visitor strongly felt the presence of a woman while touring the house, in one of the upstairs bedrooms. €œIt was not frightening...the presence was actually welcoming. There are tours in this place."
U.S Grant Hotel
: "This hotel was built in 1910, and apparently a man walks the hallways of the hotel, and at times goes into the rooms and makes noises."
Vagabond Motel near 5 Freeway & Garnet
: "Tangible feeling of dread, oppression, and sadness in room 325 and nearby hallway. Occasional glimpses of spirit of "Amanda", a tall blonde or red-haired young woman. Apparently, she was a former beauty queen and model who, depressed over her inability to conquer a drug habit, slit her own throat in that room. Apparently, she wants your prayers praying replaces the air of dread with an air of calm and peace and scent of jasmine, and you can feel her saying "thank you"."
Villa Montezuma
: "On K Street, near Barrio Logan. Built in 1887 for a musician named Jesse Shepherd. The house has a very dark, heavy feeling. After Jesse Shepherd''s death, the house went through a succession of owner''s, all of which claimed bad things happened to them while in possession of the house. Shepherd had once enjoyed wealth and fame, but at the end of his life, he was very poor and emotionally unstable. The house is said to be haunted by Shepherd himself and an elderly widow who previously owned the house. She is seen looking out of the window in one of the towers. Reason for Shepherd''s haunting said to be the fact that Shepherd was known for being able to "channel" famous piano players while playing and was once reported to be playing Mozart with one hand and Chopin with the other. It is believed that while channeling the great composers, he channeled some negative energy into the house. Beautiful stained glass portraying pictures of famous composer, writers, and artists. In some of these, hair seems to be turning gray and beards seem to be growing. Strong presence is felt, and reports of seeing scenes the past (1800s some time). It feels like something was actually looking out the window, through your eyes. It was a very uncomfortable, evil feeling. There are tours in this place."