Most Haunted Places In Pine Grove, Pennsylvania To Visit

Following are the most haunted places in Pine Grove, Pennsylvania, where dark history and restless spirits merge in the eerie, mist-filled streets of this ancient city. From haunted castles to shadowy underground vaults, these places hold tales of mystery, death, and the unexplained—daring only the bravest souls to explore.

Old Mountain Rd

: "Three babies were killed by the bridge. At night you can hear the babies crying for there mother. Place is called Three babes in the woods."

Old State Road

: "There is to be a house that is haunted there that a old guy was hung there by construction workers when they went to redo the house. The rope the used is to be still there in the attic. It is said that there is a piano in the house that at times start to play on its own as you walk by the house. It is said that a lady that used to live there was possessed by the ghost of the old man .- June 2008 Update: The house has been torn down."

Pine Grove Furnace

: "Go all the way back Old Shippensburg Rd (across from road to furnace).  The Appalachian Trail is back here not to far from the parking area. There have been several occurrences involving loud noises from above, sort of like a helicopter, loud enough that you can''t hear the person next to you talk.  There is also a patch of thick pine trees off the trail not too far from the parking area. Inside there are 2 large stones 75% buried in the ground across from a headstone type object.  This whole area is open and is about 10'' by 10''.  If you carry a propane lantern or flashlight into the opening it will go out and lighters will not light. You can still hear the gas from the lantern but it will not light until you leave the opening.  You can always hear various strange noises coming from the woods as soon as the sun goes down."